Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Free MP3 Download Tutorial

Masih ingat tentang cara memasang backsound music dari MP3-Codes[dot]Com untuk profile Friendster? Nah, sebenarnya tiap file MP3 yang dijadikan backsound code di situs tersebut akan tersimpan di server mereka selama 14 hari (2 minggu) saja. Banyak sekali koleksi lagu yang sudah tersimpan di servernya, wow.. ini dia bisa jadi sumber mencari mp3 gratis siap download. Lalu bagaimana caranya?

Cara Download MP3 Gratis

Berikut cara mendapatkan file MP3 untuk kamu download ke hard disk kamputer kamu.

1. Buka MP3-Codes[dot]com trus klik menu [Search] (atau klik di sini shortcut).
2. Masukkan Judul lagu, nama Band, artis penyanyi, yang kamu inginkan di kotak pencarian.
download free mp3 songs

3. Selanjutnya hasil pencarian akan muncul lengkap beserta: Judul Lagu, Penyanyi, lama waktu sebelum kadaluwarsa, dan link URL untuk kodenya.
Get free MP3 code

4. Pilih lagu yang cocok dengan mengklik link URL pada [Get Code / Listen].
5. Copy-paste Kode yang diberikan ke text editor / NotePad. (di Windows: Menu>Programs>Accessories>NotePad).
Download MP3 songs

6. Cari URL tempat file MP3 tersebut tersimpan di server. Cara di NotePad, tekan Ctrl+F atau lewat menu Edit > Find.
7. Ketikkan .mp3& dalam kotak Find What. Jangan lupa tanda & di belakang. Lalu tekan enter / Find Next.
Download MP3

8. Jika sudah ketemu URL file MP3 tersebut, lalu seleksi dan copy-paste URL tersebut ke address bar di Browser kamu (Firefox, IE, Oprea, dll). Tekan Enter.
Download MP3 for Friendster

9. Kotak dialog akan muncul, lalu Save di Hard disk kamu.
10. Mudah bukan. Jangan lupa di Rename file nya sesuai judul lagunya ya.

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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Fisika "Angka penting..."

Bawah ini ialah ketentuaan-ketentuan dalam penentuan angka penting. semoga dapat bermanfaat... ^_^

Ketentuan Angka Penting :

1. Semua angka yang bukan nol merupakan angka penting. Contoh : 6,89 ml memiliki 3 angka penting. 78,99 m memiliki empat angka penting. 7000,2003 ( 9 angka penting ).
2. Semua angka nol yang terletak diantara bukan nol merupakan angka penting. Contoh : 1208 m memiliki 4 angka penting. 2,0067 memiliki 5 angka penting.
3. Semua angka nol yang terletak di belakang angka bukan nol yang terakhir, tetapi terletak di depan tanda desimal adalah angka penting. Contoh : 70000, ( 5 angka penting).
4. Angka nol yang terletak di belakang angka bukan nol yang terakhir dan di belakang tanda desimal adalah angka penting. Contoh : 23,50000 (7 angka penting).
5. Angka nol yang terletak di belakang angka bukan nol yang terakhir dan tidak dengan tanda desimal adalah angka tidak penting. Contoh : 3500000 (2 angka penting).
6. Angka nol yang terletak di depan angka bukan nol yang pertama adalah angka tidak penting. Contoh : 0,0000352 (3 angka penting).

Aturan Pembulatan

1. Jika angka pertama setelah angka yang hendak dipertahankan adalah 4 atau lebih kecil, maka angka itu dan seluruh angka disebelah kanannya ditiadakan. Contoh (1) : 75,494 = 75,49 (angka 4 yang dicetak tebal ditiadakan). Contoh (2) : 1,00839 = 1,008 ( kedua angka yang dicetak tebal ditiadakan)

1. Jika angka pertama setelah angka yang akan anda pertahankan adalah 5 atau lebih besar, maka angka tersebut dan seluruh angka di bagian kanannya ditiadakan. Angka terakhir yang dipertahankan bertambah satu.

Contoh (1) 1,037878 = 1,038 (ketiga angka yang diberi garis bawah dihilangkan, sedangkan angka 7 yang dicetak tebal, dibulatkan menjadi 8).

Contoh (2) 28,02500 = 28,03 (ketiga angka yang diberi garis bawah ditiadakan. Angka 2 yang dicetak tebal diubah menjadi 3).

Contoh (3) : 12,897 = 12,90 (angka 7 yang diberi garis bawah ditiadakan. Angka 8 dan 9 yang dicetak tebal diubah menjadi 90.

Aturan Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan

Apabila anda melakukan operasi penjumlahan atau pengurangan, maka hasilnya hanya boleh mengandung satu angka taksiran (catatan : angka tafsiran adalah angka terakhir dari suatu angka penting).

Contoh :

Jumlahkan 273,219 g; 15,5 g; dan 8,43 g (jumlahkan seperti biasa, selanjutnya bulatkan hasilnya hingga hanya terdapat satu angka taksiran)

Angka 4 dan 9 ditiadakan. Hasilnya = 297,1

Aturan Perkalian dan Pembagian

1. Pada operasi perkalian atau pembagian, hasil yang diperoleh hanya boleh memiliki jumlah angka penting sebanyak bilangan yang angka pentingnya paling sedikit.

Contoh : hitunglah operasi perkalian berikut ini : 0,6283 x 2,2 cm

(petunjuk : lakukanlah prosedur perkalian atau pembagian dengan cara biasa. Kemudian bulatkan hasilnya hinga memiliki angka penting sebanyak salah satu bilangan yang memiliki angka penting paling sedikit)

Hasilnya dibulatkan menjadi 1,4 cm2 (dua angka penting)

2. Hasil perkalian atau pembagian antara bilangan penting dengan bilangan eksak/pasti hanya boleh memiliki angka penting sebanyak jumlah angka penting pada bilangan penting.

Contoh : hitunglah operasi perkalian berikut ini : 25 x 8,95

Hasilnya dibulatkan menjadi 224 cm (tiga angka penting) agar sama dengan banyak angka penting pada bilangan penting 8,95

content ini diambil dari

Senin, 09 Juni 2008

How to Operate Your Business Right

Create a vision of your business and future life and create the mindset to achieve it all.Create a crystal clear view of what you want your life to be and the role you want your business to play to get you there. Think about where you’ll live, how you’ll have fun and who you’ll spend your time with, and how. Then take a look at all the things that can get in the way of you achieving that vision. What doubts and fears can creep up? Then modify your current habits and behaviors or create new habits and behaviors to go around, over or through those fears and doubts so that nothing can stop you from achieving your vision.Create a business model that will sustain the lifestyle you envision.Make sure your business has the foundation to make money. Determine who your target market is, and the pain, frustrations and challenges your ideal client experiences, and, of course, who else can buy what you offer How do you compare to those companies, and how are you uniquely different? Use your knowledge and skills to create tangible services and information products.Take a look at your past training, experiences, skills and resources to create services and products that solve the problems your ideal client has, and add value to their business. Then brand and bundle those services and products to get the highest price.Promote your business to generate revenue, continuously Implement innovative marketing strategies that create awareness of your business and the value you bring your clients. Create and deliver marketing messages and educational pieces to your target market that are so compelling and enticing, so that filling your pipeline with your ideal client will be a breeze. Then build a relationship with your prospects so that you’ll offer exactly what they need to solve their problems.Delegate and outsourceUtilize the skills and resources of other professionals to catapult your time and revenue. read more...

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

3 Powerful Types of eBooks You Can Write and Sell Online

A big part of knowing how to write and sell ebooks is understanding exactly what will turn a prospect into a hungry buyer.
As you may have already discovered in my "Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package", earning months and years of leveraged income from a few weeks writing has virtually NOTHING to do with your writing ability, but EVERYTHING to do with understanding how to identify and satisfy a raging hunger within markets.
When you think about how to write a sell ebooks, think about 1 of these 3 proven "types" of infoproducts that will turn your prospects into buyers...
1. Innovator. You have identified a tip, technique or strategy that will go one-step further (incremental innovation) or take a giant LEAP forward (radical innovation) than is currently available.
To understand how to write and sell ebooks as the "innovator", you have a very good grasp of both what the prospector is really looking for and what currently exists in your marketplace.
2. Collector. The value in this type of information product is to collect sources of information from a wide variety of sources and distill it down to the "best of" or a compilation of strategies aimed at satisfying a given market demand.
3. Investigator. Yet another method of how to write and sell ebooks, the investigator seeks to discover and prove the value of a given approach.
Discovery allows you to bring value by bringing to light little-known or "underground" secrets to solving specific problems
Proving the value of a given approach is also of high value in this age of skepticism and doubt. If you can provide case studies to support a given approach, you'll be bringing extra value to the market.
Now, each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages.
When most people think of how to write and sell ebooks, they think of being collectors, however adding an aspect of innovation is how you can really differentiate yourself in your market.
Innovation allows you to claim ownership to solving an urgent and pressing problem for your market. Out of owership will come branding, and out of branding can come tremendous financial advantages.
I have used all 3 approaches and advise everyone who is serious about becoming an information entrepreneur and wants to know how to write and sell ebooks to use each approach. take from

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008

Defining knowledge (philosophy)

We suppose ourselves to possess unqualified scientific knowledge of a thing, as opposed to knowing it in the accidental way in which the sophist knows, when we think that we know the cause on which the fact depends, as the cause of that fact and of no other, and, further, that the fact could not be other than it is. Now that scientific knowing is something of this sort is evident — witness both those who falsely claim it and those who actually possess it, since the former merely imagine themselves to be, while the latter are also actually, in the condition described. Consequently the proper object of unqualified scientific knowledge is something which cannot be other than it is.

— Aristotle, Posterior Analytics (Book 1 Part 2)
The definition of knowledge is a matter of on-going debate among philosophers in the field of epistemology. The classical definition, described but not ultimately endorsed by, Planto[1], has it that in order for there to be knowledge at least three criteria must be fulfilled; that in order to count as knowledge, a statement must be justified,true, and believed. Some claim that these conditions are not sufficient, as Gettier case examples allegedly demonstrate. There are a number of alternatives proposed, including Robert Nozick's arguments for a requirement that knowledge 'tracks the truth' and Simon Blackburn's additional requirement that we do not want to say that those who meet any of these conditions 'through a defect, flaw, or failure' have knowledge. Richard Kirkham suggests that our definition of knowledge requires that the believer's evidence is such that it logically necessitates the truth of the belief.[citation needed]
In contrast to this approach,
Wittgenstein observed, following Moore's paradox, that one can say "He believes it, but it isn't so", but not "He knows it, but it isn't so". [2] He goes on to argue that these do not correspond to distinct mental states, but rather to distinct ways of talking about conviction. What is different here is not the mental state of the speaker, but the activity in which they are engaged. For example, on this account, to know that the kettle is boiling is not to be in a particular state of mind, but to perform a particular task with the statement that the kettle is boiling. Wittgenstein sought to bypass the difficulty of definition by looking to the way "knowledge" is used in natural languages. He saw knowledge as a case of a family resemblance.
-Knowledge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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